Florida's Manatees are No Longer Endangered

At one time there were estimated to be only a few hundred Florida manatees left.So, in 1973 they were put on the endangered list.And as hoped, their numbers began to flourish once again.

Florida Manatees Are Not Out Of The Woods The Center For Biological Diversity had this to say about the removal: "… manatee numbers have never truly recovered, as the animals must contend with a barrage of manmade threats. Each year, about 87 manatees are killed by collisions with boats, the single greatest cause of premature mortalities.This is more than seven times (the) number of manatees that the Fish and Wildlife Service estimates can be killed without impairing the species' recovery.Meanwhile, boating in Florida is at an all-time high and increasing…" and "in 2017, the (US Fish & Wildlife) Service downlisted the manatee from "endangered" to "threatened" despite the fact that 2016 had been the deadliest-ever year for manatees.