Flying Dragons Survive And They Are A Real Wonder Of Nature

The animals which have come from a world of magic. Humans were in awe of mythical creatures such as dragons for years and years. Millions of people are interested in listening to the legends of these creatures. But, unfortunately the dragons that we imagine do not exist. However, nature has surprised us with another particular genus of animals that are quite similar to the dragons that we imagine.

If you want to add an extra touch of authenticity to your Daenerys cosplay, you might want to get your hands on a lizard from the genus Draco. These were named after the mythological creature for a good reason — they can fly as far as 60 m by expanding the wing-like webbing between their limbs. The lizards have a set of ribs extending from their sides, connected by thin membranes of skin that form highly effective gliders. Instead of wasting their time scurrying along the ground and risking attack by predators, flying lizards glide from tree to tree, using their long, prehensile tails to steer. They rarely touch down to the ground unless it's time to breed, at which point the female lays her eggs in a hole in the ground before returning to the skies. The hatchlings are left to fend for themselves, without any nurturing Targaryens to care for them.