Flying Dragons Survive And They Are A Real Wonder Of Nature

The animals which have come from a world of magic. Humans were in awe of mythical creatures such as dragons for years and years. Millions of people are interested in listening to the legends of these creatures. But, unfortunately the dragons that we imagine do not exist. However, nature has surprised us with another particular genus of animals that are quite similar to the dragons that we imagine.

Fortunately, these lizards will never quite grow as large as the Valyrian dragons; they usually reach a maximum length of about 20 cm (8 inches), and like to gorge on ants and termites rather than sheep and the odd misbehaving human. But they can get pretty nasty about their territory. A single male dragon claims two or three trees, with a few females stationed at each tree. If any other males get close, he'll erupt into fierce displays of fury by expanding his wings to their full might and bobbing up and down to draw attention to the colorful dewlap at his throat.