Heartbreaking Footage Of Orangutan Fighting Back Against Excavator Destroying His Home
A brave Bornean orangutan was captured on video fighting off a machine digger in an attempt to save his home from Indonesion loggers. The desperate animal can be seen attempting to stop the excavator with his bare hands in the video shared on social media by the International Animal Rescue (IAR). In a scene reminiscent of a fight against an end-of-level boss in a video game, the orangutan tries climbing on to the arm of the machine, but falls off and then attempts to climb up the back of it.
"Sungai Putri is home to one of the largest populations in the world and we are at a critical point for the Bornean orangutan," Karmele Llano Sanchez, program director of IAR in Indonesia, said. "Without forests like this, they can't survive."