Highland Cattle Calves Are The Most Adorable And Cuddly Cows You Will Ever See

It’s time for the fluffy kittens and cuddly puppies to move over. There’s another baby animal that will melt your heart with their cuteness! Highland Cattle calves are among the cutest baby animals I’ve ever seen – fluffy, cuddly, and just downright adorable. Highland Cattle are a breed of cow that originated in Scotland.

They were so popular, that cattle thieving was common and individuals could apply for a commission to set up an official Watch, which farmers would pay to retrieve stolen stock. Rob Roy MacGregor operated a Watch and was also a cattle dealer and drover. If you are interested in Rob Roy MacGregor then you can find out more about him www.highlandtitles.com/blog/rob-roy-macgregor/. While Highland Cows today are mostly recognised for their distinctive red coats, once upon a time they were predominately black.