Highland Cattle Calves Are The Most Adorable And Cuddly Cows You Will Ever See

It’s time for the fluffy kittens and cuddly puppies to move over. There’s another baby animal that will melt your heart with their cuteness! Highland Cattle calves are among the cutest baby animals I’ve ever seen – fluffy, cuddly, and just downright adorable. Highland Cattle are a breed of cow that originated in Scotland.

The Queen has a herd of Highland Cattle and it is rumoured to be the only kind of beef she will eat. Scotch beef farming is nothing like intensive cattle farming, the system prioritises the welfare and well-being of it's animals. Due to the grazing land being often unsuitable for growing alternative foods, not to mention the low temperature and high rainfall, Highland Cattle farming is considered to be highly environmentally sustainable. The breed standards guidelines, which are used to ensure that the animals produced by a breeder are of the highest standard, includes direction on how to judge the animals in four main areas: the head, the neck, the back and body, and the hair. Criteria looked for includes natural horns, being wide between the eyes, short and straight legs and wavy hair. Find out more at the Highland Cattle Society. The most noticeable difference between the 2 sexes is their horns. A bull's horns often grow forwards or even slightly downwards and have a much wider base, whereas a cow's face upwards and are longer and finer at the tip than a bull's horns.