Incredible Moment As Whale Swims Up To Captain And Makes An Unusual Request Caught On Video
For the past 20 years, Paco Jimenez Franco has been a whale watching captain in the waters of Ojo de Liebre, a lagoon on the Pacific coast of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula. There, he’s had a front row seat to these extraordinary animals — sightings of whom Franco regards a gift. And he’s found a special way of giving back.
Paco Jimenez Franco is a seasoned sea captain with more than 20 years of experience. Sailing in the Ojo de Liebre lagoon, he has encountered magnificent whales. Franco considers every sighting a beautiful gift – not everyone is so lucky to see these giants emerging from the depths. The whales must've felt his admiration and respect for them because they would often approach his boat, carefully inspecting it. One time, Franco noticed that some of them had sea lice – parasites were attached to parts of the whales' bodies. He suspected that they make whales uncomfortable and decided to help.