Known As Haunted Town In America That's Been Entirely Abandoned And Is Illegal To Visit

Do you believe in ghosts and curses? While many people don’t believe in ghosts, there are plenty of strange things that happen in life that make you wonder whether they might exist after all. There's an area that falls into this very category in Connecticut, but there's a pretty good chance you've never heard of it, because it's illegal to even step foot there.

Bizarre Circumstances in a Haunted Town While there are countless unexplained phenomena, a few of the most interesting include a family who all faced sudden doom after their relative Nathaniel Carter moved to Dudleytown. Six of his relatives died of cholera and the rest were killed upon fleeing town and settling in New York. Meanwhile, another resident, William Tanner, is rumored to have been plagued by "creatures coming out of the woods at night". Nearly 50 years later, General Herman Swift lost his wife when she was unexpectedly struck by lightning. It's said that the "grief-stricken" general died shortly after. With more and more strange reportings, deaths, and failed businesses, the town had become virtually abandoned by 1900. In contrast, the 1920's brought about a potential glimmer of positivity for the desolate and seemingly haunted town. Philanthropists began using the land to reforest after decades of agricultural use had damaged the soil. Although it's still used for that purpose today, the town's reputation took another bizarre turn. In the 1970's the seemingly haunted town's reputation took another bizarre turn, declared demonically possessed in the 1970's.