Known As Haunted Town In America That's Been Entirely Abandoned And Is Illegal To Visit
Do you believe in ghosts and curses? While many people don’t believe in ghosts, there are plenty of strange things that happen in life that make you wonder whether they might exist after all. There's an area that falls into this very category in Connecticut, but there's a pretty good chance you've never heard of it, because it's illegal to even step foot there.
A Haunted Town on the Other Coast Portland, Oregon, and even Los Angeles, both boast seemingly haunted bars and hotels where guests can take guided tours. Hop on a bus to ride through haunted neighborhoods. Or learn the history of towns once riddled with crimes of passion, jealousy, and utter insanity. Seemingly haunted towns exist from coast to coast. While the lure of Dudleytown, Connecticut is undeniable, so is the need for forest preservation. Fortunately, many towns and cities have a reputation for being haunted, or at least having ghost stories from old hospitals, schools, and hotels that can be explored without disturbing rural forest areas.