Meet Adorabilis, the World's Cutest Octopus

A recently described species of octopus needs a name, and it's so cute scientists Might Name It ‘Adorabilis’. What do you call an octopus that's got stubby little tentacles, is bright pink, super squishy, and looks like a Pac-Man ghost? Why not Adorabilis, suggests its describer, Stephanie Bush, at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.

The fist-sized octopus has been making waves online since Science Friday recently released a video celebrating Cephalopod Week, which begins Friday. Many fawning over the rare cephalopod have their fingers crossed in hopes Bush will name it Opisthoteuthis adorabilis. But identifying a species is a painstaking process that can take years. While researchers first collected this unidentified octopus in the early 1990s, Bush is the first to take on describing the species.