Meet Adorabilis, the World's Cutest Octopus

A recently described species of octopus needs a name, and it's so cute scientists Might Name It ‘Adorabilis’. What do you call an octopus that's got stubby little tentacles, is bright pink, super squishy, and looks like a Pac-Man ghost? Why not Adorabilis, suggests its describer, Stephanie Bush, at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.

Though precious, their pinkish color is common among deep-sea creatures. Since red light doesn't reach the black waters of the deep sea, animals who are red appear black. The camouflage helps them avoid predators and attack prey, which is worms and tiny crustaceans for this octopus. They live along the California Coast in abyssal depths up to 2,600 feet. Bush found her specimens in the Monterey Bay. Their gelatinous body measures about 7 inches in diameter and their arms are webbed.