Meet Mork Skywalker, The Adorable Rescue Puppy That Looks Just Like Baby Yoda

Recently, we’ve been blessed with the adorable creation that is “Baby Yoda.” The little alien has taken the internet by storm and it’s difficult to find anything cuter. At least it was difficult until we spotted this unbelievably cute puppy who bears a striking resemblance to our favourite little alien. The pup, named Mork Skywalker, combines the cuteness of Baby Yoda with the sweetness of puppyhood and the result is dangerously adorable.

Carvey has rescued countless dogs and found them happy, loving forever homes. However, when she saw a picture of Mork she knew she had to keep him herself. One look at his beautiful face was enough for Carvey to fall in love with the smushed-looking pup and she was determined to make him part of her family. "They sent me a photo of Mork, and I said, 'I love that dog. I will take him,' Carvey revealed in an interview with Huffington Post. And so, Carvey started the process of bringing Mork home.