Meet Pink Champagne Fox Miko

Meet this Miko, a 4-month fox color “pink champagne”. Fox this color were first bred on the Canadian farm, one hundred years ago. They are so rare species that currently exist in the world only two such individuals: one lives in Ontario, and the other is Miko. Such foxes bred in captivity and contain only as pets in Canada. Attention sensitive souls, we prefer to warn you: this story is very sad and it ends badly. It also risks awakening in you a certain despair the human race.

Magnificent white fox destined to end up flayed and transformed into a fur coat, Miko was saved, to end his life tragically. Do we still need proof of human cruelty and imbecility? However, it deserves to be told, in memory of Miko and his fellows, all those foxes who like him end up the slaughterhouse. It was told to us by Anda Ciurezu, the woman who tried by all means to save him. Here is Miko. He was a beautiful fox, with pristine white fur, sumptuous blue eyes and an all pink muzzle. Its story is both beautiful and tragic. Miko was born in Canada, on a fur farm. Like all of his siblings, as well as the other fox cubs on the farm, he was meant to be killed, skinned, and then made into a cloak.