Mesmerizing Footage Of Undiscovered Deep-Sea Life
Our oceans cover more than 70% of Earth’s surface. While the ocean remains largely unexplored, we occasionally get a glimpse of the weird and wonderful creatures that eke out a living in the deep. There are countless creatures on this planet we'll likely never discover. There are many creatures, some cute, some terrifying, and most of us know little about them.
Tasselled wobbegong: The tasselled wobbegong is a flat, well-camouflaged shark that sits motionless on the seafloor, waiting for unsuspecting prey to swim a bit too close. It is a member of the carpet shark family, named for their seafloor-dwelling behavior. With its blotchy coloration and the highly branched skin flaps that disguise its mouth and head, the tasselled wobbegong perfectly blends in to its surroundings on coral reefs along the northern shore of Australia and throughout the islands of New Guinea and Indonesia.