Moose And Her Calves Decide To Spend A Day In This Family's Backyard

Roland Rydstrom from Anchorage, Alaska, just had a few uninvited guests pop over to his place; last week, a mama moose and her two calves came over to his backyard. If that wasn’t enough, the moose liked Rydstrom’s grass so much, they decided to spend the day there.

Nothing exactly like this has happened in Rydstrom's backyard before. However, as he already said, moose often visit it. "Usually, they just walk through the yard and nibble on our plants and trees or play in the neighbor's sprinklers. A few years ago, we thought a mother was about to give birth in the exact lounging spot in my pictures. She was lying down in the sun for several hours with very labored breathing while stretching her legs. But it was a false alarm and she had her twins across the street that night."