Moose And Her Calves Decide To Spend A Day In This Family's Backyard

Roland Rydstrom from Anchorage, Alaska, just had a few uninvited guests pop over to his place; last week, a mama moose and her two calves came over to his backyard. If that wasn’t enough, the moose liked Rydstrom’s grass so much, they decided to spend the day there.

When Rydstrom saw the moose and opened the blinds to get a better look, the animals didn't even notice him. "Right away, I found the Flat Stanley my cousins sent me from Iowa," he told Bored Panda. "I had promised my cousins and their elementary school group that I'd take a picture of Flat Stanley with the moose in my yard, but so far in the almost three months I'd been working from home, I hadn't been home when the moose were here, a very common experience. Flat Stanley had been out on the local hiking trails with me, but so far I'd been unlucky with moose pictures."