Moose And Her Calves Decide To Spend A Day In This Family's Backyard

Roland Rydstrom from Anchorage, Alaska, just had a few uninvited guests pop over to his place; last week, a mama moose and her two calves came over to his backyard. If that wasn’t enough, the moose liked Rydstrom’s grass so much, they decided to spend the day there.

"I took the pictures of the moose with Flat Stanley, and took a few without him and went to work. I really expected that the moose would walk away at some point but every time I looked up from my work, they were still there," Rydstrom explained. "I could watch directly them from my work spot. It was a great distraction and a fun way to spend the day while I was editing concert footage for my job with the Anchorage Symphony Orchestra. Throughout the day, as the moose changed lounging spots or walked away and came back, I'd go back to the window or the open door (the screen door was still closed), to take more pictures of them. They were oblivious to me most of the time (although their ears were up most of the time, so obviously they were alert)."