Moose And Her Calves Decide To Spend A Day In This Family's Backyard

Roland Rydstrom from Anchorage, Alaska, just had a few uninvited guests pop over to his place; last week, a mama moose and her two calves came over to his backyard. If that wasn’t enough, the moose liked Rydstrom’s grass so much, they decided to spend the day there.

The moose were in Rydstrom's backyard for most of the day; from shortly before 9:00 a.m. to almost 7:00 p.m. "They took two quick trips through the neighborhood, but quickly returned to their spots in our backyard," he said. "Most of the time, as you can see from the pictures, they really were just lounging here. A neighbor reported that she'd observed this same moose family running along the road a few miles from our neighborhood earlier that morning. If I'd taken videos early in the morning, you'd have noticed that the mama, in particular, was breathing very heavily. They needed rest, and I think they felt safe to rest here in our backyard."