Most Driver's Worst Nightmare: Guy Opens Car Door And Spots A Giant Spider At An Awkward Moment

The other night, Andrew Mcleay was enjoying a quiet evening at home in Australia when things took an unexpected turn. Mcleay needed to grab an item from his car in the garage, but upon opening up the car door, something stopped him in his tracks.

With that, Mcleay was finally able to relax again — well, sorta. Though huntsman spiders pose no real threat to humans, it was quite jarring to stumble upon one unexpectedly. So, Mcleay's been keeping his guard up for another hair-raising encounter. "I keep looking around inside the car every day. If I see [a spider] in traffic, I'll most likely cause an accident," Mcleay said with a laugh. "But I've used the car a few times [since then]. No others seen, luckily." Via: The Dodo.