NASA Has Just Released Breathtaking New Photos of Mars And They Are Marvellous
People are curious by nature. Sometimes the potentials of this curiosity in our lives can be revealed in a bad way. Sometimes being smarter and more equipped. In the case of NASA, it has always been fascinated by Mars. Countless satellites and space shuttles have been sent to the Red planet and while some of them haven’t exceeded the expectations placed before them, some have.
These dunes look as through someone has thrown a rippled blue-toned cloth across Mars' surface. HiRISE is monitoring these dunes in Aonia Terra for changes such as gullies, which form over the winter from the action of carbon dioxide frost. This image was taken on January 18, 2012 here on Earth, but the season in on Mars where this was taken was late fall in the Southern hemisphere. "Frost is just starting to accumulate here, and is concentrated on pole-facing slopes and in the troughs between the meter-scale ripples," wrote HiRISE Principal Investigator Alfred McEwen.