Never Throw This Part of the Banana: It's Valuable

Banana is one of the most grown tropical fruits in the world. Banana, which is rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium, is consumed with pleasure by everyone, young and old. Banana, which we sometimes eat to satisfy our sugar needs and sometimes to keep us full, is one of the most loved and consumed fruits; It attracts attention with its high nutritional content. It is widely preferred among all age groups thanks to its easily digestible carbohydrate content and soft texture.

Varieties of Bananas This article explores the diverse varieties of bananas, the often-overlooked rigid ends of their peels, and the transformative power they hold for nurturing plants. Beyond the familiar yellow banana, there exists a diverse array of banana types, each offering unique flavors and characteristics. From varieties with a hint of vanilla due to their ripening process to sweeter alternatives like red bananas, the banana family presents an array of choices. Regardless of the type, banana peels, specifically their rigid ends, are proving to be valuable resources for home gardeners.