Photographer Captures Hilarious Close Up Portraits of Some of the World's Most Unusual Primates

For over two decades, photographer Mogens Trolle has captured stunning wildlife photos on all seven continents. Trained as a zoologist and wildlife biologist, he specializes in mammals and uses his knowledge of them—as well his keen eye—to capture each creature’s unique personality.

The Zen Monkey: The rare red-shanked douc of Vietnam, one of the world's most colorful monkeys, with closed eyes showing its light blue eye shadow. Red-shanked Doucs are diurnal and arboreal, spending their days among the treetops in mixed sex social groups of varying sizes. They are very rarely seen on the ground. The doucs sleep in large, carefully selected trees with thick canopies, which are entered at dusk and are not exited until dawn. Their diet consists primarily of small, tender leaves but they also eat flowers, fruits, buds and seeds. The breeding season takes place from February to June, with a single infant born after a gestation period of around 210 days.