Photographer Captures Hilarious Close Up Portraits of Some of the World's Most Unusual Primates

For over two decades, photographer Mogens Trolle has captured stunning wildlife photos on all seven continents. Trained as a zoologist and wildlife biologist, he specializes in mammals and uses his knowledge of them—as well his keen eye—to capture each creature’s unique personality.

Wanna hang? A black crested macaque getting ready to get some fun out of life. These charming and smart monkey species greet by smiling. Sulawesi, Indonesia. Crested black macaques are found only in Indonesia, restricted to the northeastern-most peninsula of Sulawesi island (formerly known as Celebes) along the Onggak Dumoga River and the megalithic Mount Padang, and to Sulawesi's neighboring islands of Pulau Manadotua and Pulau Talise. Historically, these Old World monkeys had also lived on the island of Pulau Lembeh, but they have since been eradicated. A secondary population, introduced by humans in 1867, lives 345 miles from Sulawesi on Pulau Bacan, in Indonesia's Maluki islands.