Photographer Discovers Multi-Colored Giant Squirrels Living In India And People Don't Believe It

Squirrels of all colors and varieties are incredibly cute but imagine a massive multi-colored squirrel with a long purple tail… now that brings the cuteness of nut-loving squirrels to a whole new level. Meet the Malabar giant squirrel, its nickname is the Shekru. Native to India, this brightly colored squirrel has an epically long tail that ranges in color – some taking on resplendent shades of blue and purple.

However, they may be more difficult to find than their large size and bright coat suggest. The shades of black, brown and orange, as well as maroon and purple, can assist them in blending perfectly with the forest canopy, where they spend their time leaping from tree to tree. This is especially useful for escaping the attention of predators, such as various birds of prey and also leopards.