Pompadour Cotinga Extraordinarily Beautiful Bird You Might Not Have Heard About

Birds are one of the most lovable creatures found in nature. There are many kinds of birds, and each has a distinct loveliness. Some birds were visible all over the world. Others are specific to a particular region only. Pompadour Cotinga is one of them. Pompadour Cotinga is one of them with its unique beauty. Well, What do you know about this rare bird? Let's get to know a little more about it.

Research involving the pompadour cotinga has been difficult because it lives high in the rainforest and is normally concealed from view. In recent years, there has been advocation for improved methods of data collection in the rainforest with one researcher, Bruno Walther, proposing the use of cranes in the field to increase access to the canopy level. Despite the hindrance to observational studies, there is a benefit to living in the canopy. Canopy birds were found to be present in disturbed habitats at higher rates than species who occupy lower levels of the forest. This is likely due to their unique ability to leave regions of disaster and low resources more easily than other species. You can watch video below: