Pompadour Cotinga Extraordinarily Beautiful Bird You Might Not Have Heard About

Birds are one of the most lovable creatures found in nature. There are many kinds of birds, and each has a distinct loveliness. Some birds were visible all over the world. Others are specific to a particular region only. Pompadour Cotinga is one of them. Pompadour Cotinga is one of them with its unique beauty. Well, What do you know about this rare bird? Let's get to know a little more about it.

The first documentation of the pompadour cotinga was in the 1764 auction catalogue of Dutch natural history collector Adriaan Vroeg which listed many species of birds and mammal specimen which were to be sold in glass cases. The original text of this catalogue was written in Latin and used the protonym Turdus puniceus to describe the species. Birds of the family Cotingidae tend to share certain characteristics such as hooked beaks, strong sexual dimorphism, and mating displays performed by the males. The most recent phylogeny created in 2014 examined the family using genetic analyses of both nuclear and mitochondrial genes, and compared the results to the synapomorphies among birds of certain clades.