Pompadour Cotinga Extraordinarily Beautiful Bird You Might Not Have Heard About

Birds are one of the most lovable creatures found in nature. There are many kinds of birds, and each has a distinct loveliness. Some birds were visible all over the world. Others are specific to a particular region only. Pompadour Cotinga is one of them. Pompadour Cotinga is one of them with its unique beauty. Well, What do you know about this rare bird? Let's get to know a little more about it.

The breeding behavior and sexual dimorphism of certain species did not seem to be connected to the phylogenetic relationships that had been created from the genetic data. However, certain characteristics such as vocal activity did correlate with shared anatomical morphologies among certain clades and were used to support the genetic data. For instance, members of Xipholena punicea tend to be quieter than other members of Cotingidae and that behavior is shared with their sister taxa Carpodectes. This low vocal activity is likely reflected in the syrinx morphology of both species of birds. In addition to this characteristic, these genera share physical similarities such as the bright white wings which are displayed as the male birds fly through the tree tops.