Pompadour Cotinga Extraordinarily Beautiful Bird You Might Not Have Heard About

Birds are one of the most lovable creatures found in nature. There are many kinds of birds, and each has a distinct loveliness. Some birds were visible all over the world. Others are specific to a particular region only. Pompadour Cotinga is one of them. Pompadour Cotinga is one of them with its unique beauty. Well, What do you know about this rare bird? Let's get to know a little more about it.

Both male and female pompadour cotinga have a "short beak and wide gape." This trait is shared by other members of the family Cotingidae and is indicative of a frugivorous diet. Eggs of this species are not well documented, but have been described as bluish-grey and blotched. In addition, chicks undergo a change from white to a blotched-grey color, possibly serving as a form of camouflage in the nest.