Recently Discovered, Critically Endangered bird (Araripe Manakin) Gets Its First Reserve

The Araripe Manakin (Antilophia bokermanni) is a critically endangered bird from the family of Manakins (Pipridae). It was discovered in 1996 and scientifically described in 1998.

Human encroachment is a major threat to the species' continued survival. Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) reported in 2009 that among the human activities detrimental to Araripe manakins are forest fires, clearing of forests for agriculture – particularly for planting banana, maize and beans – and the conversion of springs to recreational facilities such as water parks. Other factors threatening Araripe manakin habitat include urbanization along the slopes of the Araripe plateau and landslides linked to heavy rainfall and deforestation, according to a CLP report.