Researchers Find A Tiny Baby Animal And Realize There's More

The researchers working for the Australian Wildlife Conservancy were recently able to come across something rather amazing. They were inspecting some animal nest boxes in the North Head Sanctuary with the hope of finding something inside them. Inside one of these boxes, they discovered a tiny creature that was smaller than a pinky finger. The researchers were taken by surprise since the animal only weighed 7 grams.

"You can often remove them from nest boxes, and they will continue sleeping in your hand," conveyed Dr. Leo. The eastern pygmy baby will be living in the nest box with his mother for some time until he becomes fully independent and thrives on his own. The possum population appears to be growing day by day and it is a sign that this tiny fella will have a bright future ahead. Don't forget to have a look at the adorable pictures of this tiny creature as his soulful eyes are sure to warm your heart. If you care to help you can make a donation to Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Image Credit & More Info; E Fitzsimmons/AustralianWildlifeConservancy