Scientists Discover 512-Year-Old Shark, Which Would Be The Oldest Living Vertebrate On The Planet (Pics & Video)

A couple of months ago, a group of scientists discovered an ancient shark in the North Atlantic ocean. While they knew that this shark had definitely reached senior age, they didn’t realize until recently that the animal is estimated to be a whopping 512 years old. At 512 years, that would make this ancient shark the oldest living vertebrate in the world. Watch video at the end of this article.

"It definitely tells us that this creature is extraordinary and it should be considered among the absolute oldest animals in the world," the biologist told. This research suggests that Greenland sharks can live much longer than professors and scientists initially thought. No less than 28 Greenland sharks were studied and analyzed for this research paper. The new age determination method for these sharks definitely brings some much-needed accuracy to the field, as older methods have proven to be very unreliable.