The Eastern Puma Is Officially Extinct, After Humans Destroy Its Wild Habitat
The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recently declared that the Eastern Puma is officially extinct. The announcement has caused a tragic stir among wildlife enthusiasts, as humans are the main cause of its extinction.
"The extinction of the eastern puma and other apex carnivores such as wolves and lynx upended the ecology of the original colonies and beyond," Michael Robinson of the Center for Biological Diversity explains the extinction. "Over a century after deer went extinct in the Northeast, they have returned with a voracious vengeance, and botanists lament the disappearance of formerly abundant plant communities. We have forests that have lost the top and the bottom of the food chain." In the 1800's The Eastern Pumas were found in abundance alongside the east Mississippi river. More than that, their extinction have led to the over-abundance of plant-eating preys, causing an imbalance in vegetation, which has further repercussions on human life.