The Green-Headed Tanager Is A Gorgeous Bird (Amazing 10 Photos)

Strikingly beautiful multicolored Tanager is small (Length: 13 cm, Weight: 16-20 g) colorful and it is usually found in humid Atlantic forest and can be common in orchards, parks, and gardens, even near human settlements. And also, it frequents the forest borders and the clearings where it finds some trees and shrubs, and also the second growths.

On the underparts, the lower throat and the upper breast are black. Breast and central belly are bright turquoise-blue, whereas sides of belly, flanks and undertail-coverts are bright apple-green. The bill is black with black base. The eyes are dark brown with black eyering. Legs and feet are blackish-grey. The female has almost similar plumage but she is slightly duller overall. The immature is much duller than adults.