The Green-Headed Tanager Is A Gorgeous Bird (Amazing 10 Photos)
Strikingly beautiful multicolored Tanager is small (Length: 13 cm, Weight: 16-20 g) colorful and it is usually found in humid Atlantic forest and can be common in orchards, parks, and gardens, even near human settlements. And also, it frequents the forest borders and the clearings where it finds some trees and shrubs, and also the second growths.
The Green-headed Tanager is monogamous. In the genus Tangara, the breeding pair is accompanied by helpers, probably young from the previous broods. But a single adult pair is involved in nest-building, egg-laying and incubation. Courtship feeding by male to female is sometimes reported. It may feed the female away from the nest, or occasionally at nest. The female may also feed the male sometimes. The Green-headed Tanager is resident in its range. Some seasonal movements are observed between the forest and semi-open habitats.