The Many Colored Rush Tyrant Is A Tiny Bird With Vibrant Colors

The Many-colored Rush Tyrant is one of the most striking members of the Tyrannidae family, a group of birds infamous for rather drab-colored species such as the Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant, Ochraceous Attila, and Olive-sided Flycatcher. Smaller than a Carolina Chickadee, the rush tyrant is also among the most diminutive of its family.

Further complicating matters regarding siete colores, there is also a Brazilian tanager named the Seven-colored Tanager; that bird is related to the Green-headed Tanager, which has the nickname of "seven-colored tanager" (saíra-sete-cores) in Portuguese! A songbird of Amazonia, the Paradise Tanager is also locally called siete colores, as is the Scarlet Macaw in Bolivia.