The Many Colored Rush Tyrant Is A Tiny Bird With Vibrant Colors
The Many-colored Rush Tyrant is one of the most striking members of the Tyrannidae family, a group of birds infamous for rather drab-colored species such as the Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant, Ochraceous Attila, and Olive-sided Flycatcher. Smaller than a Carolina Chickadee, the rush tyrant is also among the most diminutive of its family.
This bright flycatcher is the only member of its genus. There are four recognized subspecies of Many-colored Rush Tyrant, divided by range, size, and color differences. In Bolivia, it is considered a highland species, but other subspecies are found on the west and east sides of southern South America. Another subspecies is found in coastal Peru. Many-colored Rush Tyrants have long legs for their size, as well as strong feet. Both of these attributes are adaptations for navigating the reeds and rushes these birds live among in their marshy surroundings. This bird's rich, musical song is also unusual for a flycatcher. Most other birds in this family have sharp, unmelodic calls and songs.