The Many Colored Rush Tyrant Is A Tiny Bird With Vibrant Colors

The Many-colored Rush Tyrant is one of the most striking members of the Tyrannidae family, a group of birds infamous for rather drab-colored species such as the Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant, Ochraceous Attila, and Olive-sided Flycatcher. Smaller than a Carolina Chickadee, the rush tyrant is also among the most diminutive of its family.

The Many-colored Rush Tyrant does resemble other tyrant flycatchers in its diet, feeding on insects and other small invertebrates found in its marshy habitat. An active forager, it scours marsh plants, hops onto floating mats of vegetation, and scrambles up and down vertical stems in pursuit of prey. It also makes short mid-air sallies, leaving cover to grab flying insects.