The Many Colored Rush Tyrant Is A Tiny Bird With Vibrant Colors
The Many-colored Rush Tyrant is one of the most striking members of the Tyrannidae family, a group of birds infamous for rather drab-colored species such as the Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant, Ochraceous Attila, and Olive-sided Flycatcher. Smaller than a Carolina Chickadee, the rush tyrant is also among the most diminutive of its family.
Although the Many-colored Rush Tyrant's courtship behavior is not well studied, it is thought to include aerial displays, posturing, and songs. While displaying, the bird raises its crown feathers to reveal a red tuft on its head. A mated pair defends a territory, where it may raise several broods per season.The female builds her cone-shaped nest of wet vegetation, fastened on one side to a single reed stalk. As the nest dries, it stiffens, providing stability as the marsh vegetation supporting it sways in the wind. The nest is well-hidden and usually built over the water for additional protection from predators.