The Most Beautiful Rare Birds In The World

Birds, unlike other living worlds have some features. They are the first constant temperature organisms. Notably, all of its members are covered with feathers that are not seen in any other animal group. The anterior members are turned into wings and the bones in the posterior members are lined up to form the intertarsal joint. There are highly developed sound boxes where the trachea and bronchi are located.

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse (Pterocles alchata) in Israel by Moshe Ben Artzi‎.White belly and underbody contrast with a large chestnut breast band framed in black. Long tail extensions are prominent in flight. Females have white throats; breeding males have black throats. Found on dry open plains and dried-out river and lake beds. Makes daily visits to water holes usually in the morning, often in large flocks. In flight, hurried and pigeonlike. May be nomadic.