The Pikachu Bird, The Cream-colored Woodpecker Has Amazing Feathers

This beautiful creamy-yellow woodpecker is native to South America and resident in its range. The nominate race presents very variable coloration in plumage, with wide degree of individual variation.

Rump is pale creamy-yellow. Upper tail is blackish. Underparts are pale creamy-yellow. The under wing is mostly brownish, with creamy-buff coverts. Undertail coverts are pale creamy-yellow, whereas undertail feathers are dark brownish. On the creamy-yellow head, male shows a red patch on lower cheek, as malar stripe. It has a long yellowish crest from crown to the nape, always raised. Strong bill is slightly chisel-tipped, relatively narrow and yellowish in colour. Eyes are red to red-brown, with dark eye-ring. Legs and feet are dark grey.