The Reason Why You Should Never Kill A House Centipedes

Most people terrify when see an insect in their home. How do you feel? What will you do? With good reason, you probably just want to grab something and stomp on it right away. Some of them carry harmful chemicals and have the potential to sting you severely and even kill you. The ones that make you feel the worst are the creeps; those tiny, terrifying creatures with so many legs usually make you want to kill them right away.

Driver Ants: Driver ants are those army ant species in the afrotropical subgenus Dorylus (Anomma) that hunt by massive swarm raids on the forest floor and up in the vegetation. Due to the strength of their jaws, these ants attack with great force. They can strike once and kill multiple animals. In addition, they attack other insects and have a bad habit of biting people.