The Silver Diamond Firetail Barely Even Looks Real

Meet the silver diamond firetail, a rare variety of native Australian finch that looks like a Christmas angel with flames spilling from beneath its robes. Only the most experienced breeders can reliably produce this variety of the diamond firetail (Stagonopleura guttata), selecting parents that carry the recessive genes that give rise to this almost pearlescent plumage.

Mutations: In captivity, several attractive mutations have been produced. Yellow Diamond Firetail Finch - The areas on the tail that are red in the normal plumaged bird, are yellowy-orange in the Yellow Diamond. Silver Diamond - plumage mostly a silvery white, paler below. The rump is a lighter red. Pied Diamond with splashes of white. Some argue that these plumage differences may be caused by age rather than being a genuine mutation. However, pied mutations are common amongst many finch species and are accepted by most as a genuine mutation. White Diamond is generally not long-lived.