These Baby White Lions Step Outside For The First Time, And Their Reactions Are Priceless

The little white lions that were born 3 months ago in the Skopje Zoo took the first steps outside the closed habitat. The Bela mother is very caring and constantly takes care of the little lions. More info:

In order for there to be a chance that some of the offspring will be white lions, the parents either need to be white lions or carry the rare white lion gene. Since the animal must bear two recessive alleles to exhibit the trait, there are three scenarios in which a white lion cub might be born. If both parents are tawny and carry the gene, there is a 25% chance the offspring will be a white cub; if one parent is a white lion and the other is tawny with the gene, there is a 50% chance the offspring will be a white cub; and if both parents are white lions, there is a 100% chance the offspring will be a white cub.