This Bird Grows Strawberry-Like Plumage During The Breeding Season

The more you think you’ve seen all the beauties this world holds, the furthest to the truth you find out you are. Maybe unicorns are not true, but this bird you will see in the following pictures looks just as magical and mystical as them, but with one difference – it is true, it exists. Let's get to know strawberry finches together more closely.

In this species of waxbill the hen's upper body is brown-gray while her underbelly to undertail are yellow-gray. Both sexes have random white spots throughout there plumage, bright red beaks, flesh colored legs and the eyes are black encircled by red-brown. The male's plumage resembles that of the hen when he is not in breeding condition. However, once in breeding plumage the males turn a dark bright red color. If enviromental conditions are lacking the male is known to turn black.