This Phallic-Looking Object Is Indeed A Real Plant Growing In the Philippines And Cambodia (Pics & Video)
Their appearance might be “fun”, but picking them would endanger the species’. This plant only grows in very remote areas in latitudes above 600 metres, so locating and snapping a picture with the pitcher plant has become a sort of challenge for some penis plant enthusiasts in Cambodia and Philippines. The plant was historically thought to only exist in the Cardamom Mountains, but in 2011 a new population was discovered further east.
Though the origin of the image (see full version below) is unknown, Snopes has done a fact check and concluded that the photograph is authentic and shows the above-mentioned plant. They even asked Clinton Morse, the living plant collections manager at the University of Connecticut's Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, about the photograph, and he answered the following. Photo: Noah Elhardt