Top 10 Rarest Animals In The World

Animals are loved by nearly everyone in the world, yet humans are the biggest threat to their survival. Every single one of the animals on this list is not only rare, but also critically endangered or “just” endangered. The low population of these rare animals is primarily due to habitat loss, hunting, or accidental death caused by human activities.

6) Saola: Of all the animals on this list, none are as mysterious as the Saola, which has been aptly dubbed the "Asian Unicorn." So little is known about the Saola that there is no real data on the elusive animal's current population. Because the Saola has only been seen in the wild a handful of times since its remains were first discovered in 1992, population estimates wildly vary from as little as 25 individuals to as many as 750. However, researchers believe that the Saola population is much lower, and most likely less than 250. Researchers have tried to keep Saolas in captivity a few times, but each of these captive Saolas eventually died. This has led conservationists to believe that Saolas cannot survive captivity and thus a breeding program can't be established.