Tremendous Health Benefits Of Burning Bay Leaves (Video & Pictures)

Plants are widely used for various purposes all over the world from past to present. Some plants are used both aromatically and medicinally. Bay leafs is among them. It has many benefits for health. This humble leaf has many amazing facts. It’s been used in natural medicine for ages and the bay laurel tree is considered to be sacred since ancient times. However, did you know that when these leaves are burnt, their fragrance too has many health benefits?

Bay Leaf Helps Reducing Cancer Risk A study conducted on human cancer cell lines concluded that bay leaf extract showed promising results as an anticancer agent. Cineole, the main compound in bay leaves, was found to suppress the growth of leukemia cancer cell lines. Bay leaf was also found to be effective in breast cancer therapy. A study found that the leaf extract induced cell death in breast cancer cell lines. In an Australian study, incorporating ingredients (including bay leaf) into foods showed positive results in the prevention of colon cancer.