Woman Adopts A Tiny Stray Kitten, Later Finds Out It's Actually A Puma

A woman in Argentina discovered that the pet kitten she had rescued months earlier was actually a wild animal when a trip to the veterinarian didn’t go as planned.

Florencia Lobo explained to Reuters that the mix up occurred when she was in the northwest Argentinian province of Tucumán with her brother. The pair had made the sad discovery of two kittens beside a deceased adult cat. "We thought that it was an abandoned cat who had given birth," she told Reuters. Florencia also noted that the female kitten didn't survive, but the male kitten who she named Tito did. While everything appeared to be going well with Tito's health, she was in for quite the shock two months later when she took him to a vet appointment. That is where she learned that Tito wasn't at all a regular house cat like she'd originally thought. "The vet didn't know what it was but said it was not a normal cat," She said.