Woman Rescues 10 Tiny Puppies From A Rock Cave (Video)

Wandering the streets of Sarajevo, Bosnia, Mark, who asked that his last name not be used, heard a strange whimpering noise. His eyes settled on a cardboard box off to the side of the road, nestled among the trees. Nearing the box, Mark finally saw them — four abandoned puppies huddled together in the dirt, crying out for help.

"We know how much a dog can enrich life, and we absolutely adore them," Lisa said. "How on earth could we consciously walk away?" Miraculously, a local father and his two children saw the couple walking the puppies outside the apartment complex. Charmed by the dogs, the family introduced themselves, and soon they were busily helping find the puppies a place to stay. "We are convinced this entire story is one of fate," Lisa said. The couple connected with Save The Animals Now, a local shelter with plenty of space. Once at the shelter, Lisa immediately relaxed when she saw the competent, expert care that the puppies would receive. "We were incredibly relieved to see that the puppies would be in good hands," Lisa said. "There was crying."