Miracle Escape: Tortoise Survives Glass Crusher Ordeal at Recycling Plant

A Hermann's tortoise named Pee-wee made an incredible escape after being scooped up and passed through a glass crusher at a recycling center. Despite suffering cuts and losing part of his shell, Pee-wee survived the harrowing experience, leaving rescuers astonished.

Miracle Escape: Tortoise Survives Glass Crusher Ordeal at Recycling Plant

A Hermann's tortoise named Pee-wee made an incredible escape after being scooped up and passed through a glass crusher at a recycling center. Despite suffering cuts and losing part of his shell, Pee-wee survived the harrowing experience, leaving rescuers astonished.

Miracle Escape: Tortoise Survives Glass Crusher Ordeal at Recycling Plant
20 October 2024 - 15:12

Tortoise Survives Crushing Ordeal at Recycling Site

In a tale more extraordinary than a superhero movie, a tortoise named Pee-wee defied the odds and survived a terrifying experience at a recycling plant. Accidentally mixed in with the waste at the Mid-UK Recycling Centre in Grantham, Lincolnshire, Pee-wee was scooped up by a digger, passed through a hopper, and then a glass crusher. Miraculously, the tortoise emerged bloodied but alive from the machinery.

Paul Frost, a 41-year-old forklift driver at the center, shared his astonishment: "I didn’t think he would make it—he was bleeding from cuts, missing a piece of his shell, and just looked so fragile." Paul’s colleague discovered Pee-wee on a conveyor belt, moments away from being sorted into more machinery. Despite the ordeal, Pee-wee was resilient, prompting Paul to take him home for care.

At home, Paul's wife Louise, 38, took over the rescue. "We bathed him in warm water, and as I scrubbed his shell with a toothbrush, it seemed like he was smiling—it was adorable," Louise recounted. After feeding Pee-wee some cucumber, the couple realized the tortoise had a surprising amount of energy left in him. "It's a miracle he wasn’t more seriously hurt," she added, reflecting on the dangers he had survived.

The tortoise’s exact journey to the recycling plant remains a mystery. Paul speculated that Pee-wee could have been mistakenly thrown away during hibernation or abandoned by someone unable to care for him. Disturbingly, Pee-wee may have been trapped in the waste pile for up to two months before arriving at the plant in a 22-ton consignment of rubbish.

Paul’s reputation as an animal rescuer is growing. Last year, his colleagues nicknamed him "Dr. Dolittle" after he saved three kittens found at the plant. Now, with Pee-wee’s dramatic survival, that nickname seems even more fitting.

Sara Marchant, a vet at Kirks Vets in nearby Sleaford, is currently caring for Pee-wee. "He’s incredibly lucky to have survived such an ordeal," she said. "He’s microchipped, but unfortunately, the chip isn’t registered, so we haven’t been able to trace his owner." Sara is hopeful that someone might come forward, but if not, Paul and Louise are more than happy to adopt the little survivor.

For now, Pee-wee is receiving medical care and plenty of attention from those amazed by his miraculous escape. From the jaws of danger to the warmth of a loving home, Pee-wee’s story is one of resilience, survival, and a bit of luck.


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